Animals & Wildlife Magazine

Olive Trees and Their Fruit, What Can You Do?

By Probestpest @ProBestPest

Olive trees are a wonderful addition to any landscape but the fruit can be a real pain and somewhat unappealing sight to your yard. When the fruit ripens usually between January and April it can create a real mess and worse when its tracked into a home or business. So what can be done?

A growth regulator can be applied to the tree which will stop the tree from producing fruit. We use Ethephon 2 Plant Growth Regulator, for best results applications should be made before fruit sets. Application to the tree should be thorough and uniform coverage of the foliage.

So give ProBest Pest Management a call to stop those Olive trees from fruiting and causing undo damage to sidewalk and driveways. We also do a weed service and those weeds are really abundant right now.


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