Real olive oil will leave a specific recognizable tingle within the back of the throat I’ve experienced this numerous times. It is a sign of the purity and pungency of the oil.
I continuously prepare and use olive oil in a lot of my foods. I first began using olive oil during my teenage years. I had got it in the tin can it use to come in.
I don’t just buy any olive oil displayed on the shelves of the supermarket because I know for a fact all oils labeled as 100% pure olive oil are actually not legitimate.
There are many popular well known brands who claim to sell authentic olive oil yet their statements are false and have been proven so.
There are only two olive oil companies I have trusted and bought from for over a long period of time now and they are California Olive Ranch, and Lucini. I had researched them prior to purchasing their oils. They both have the harvest dates as well as expiration dates located on their glass bottles.
Of course, there are other legitimate brands out there who do sell authentic olive oils these are just the particular two I frequently buy.
I also look out for the seals and certifications such as Non Gmo, Certified Extra Virgin Olive Oil Associations, USDA and so on.