Arts & Crafts Magazine

Oh So Trendy!

By Ada
I love it when I discover that I am "on trend" with something!  I am a regular follower of Jane's Chilly Hollow needlework blog and read her posts on the current "elf trend" with avid interest!  Elves, and elves with packages were a common sight at the big January needlepoint market.  My elf collection dates way back to two years ago, so I guess I was ahead of the game for once on this one.  So what's old is now new again, may I present to you my Kringle Belles!

Gift Delivery Elf:Oh So Trendy!Candy Gathering Elf:Oh So Trendy!Tree Decorating Elf:Oh So Trendy!All three little gals also come in a smaller stand-up size and an ornament size too!Oh So Trendy!
Oh So Trendy!
Oh So Trendy!
Oh So Trendy!
Oh So Trendy!
Oh So Trendy!Hope you've enjoyed seeing these little girls again, I hope to introduce some new pieces to this collection soon! 

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