Twitter Changes and No Hashtags?
Have you been reading the news about the new Twitter changes online or on Twitter itself? The talk revolves around no more #hashtags on Twitter along with other several big changes. Can you imagine what Twitter would be like without hashtags? Would would the Twitter chats end up looking like? How would they work? The talk also claimed that Twitter was looking to get rid of the @ replies. This would not be the same Twitter you and I have come to know and love!
— Vivian Schiller (@vivian) March 19, 2014
Twitter – If It Ain’t Broke Don’t Fix It!
Isn’t that the saying? If it ain’t broke why fix it? Why does every social network site think they have to make changes just because Facebook is constantly changing things?
The Number of Tweets Seen – That’s A Nice One!
One change Twitter is playing with is seeing how many tweets of yours are being seen by how many of your followers. Now that’s a nice feature! They are currently testing this one for their advertisers. It is a new view’s item that would show beneath your Twitter posts on how many people actually saw your tweet in their stream. Would you really want to know?
Overall I think it would be a very nice feature to have. It would be another way to see which type of tweets are working well. If you have signed up for the Twitter ad program when they sent a FREE $50 trial, there is a place on that dashboard that shows how many retweets, favorites, etc each of your tweets gets. (It’s available even after the FREE trial). After researching more on this particular Twitter change on Buzz Feed it appears it may only show to the person tweeting not the general Twitter public. The example I found showed the views but when I went on the Twitter stream for that particular person I could not see their views. Interesting how it looks to be similar to Facebook insights for pages. I think many will like that feature to be kept private and not public.
Twitter Music Gone For Now
The Twitter music from the Apple app store will no longer be available starting April 18. Twitter is looking at other ways to bring content for music into Twitter. It will be interesting to see what they come up with for this type of Twitter changes. According to the Wall St. Journal there will be some new music Twitter app coming soon. Stay tuned for more Twitter changes.
Twitter Mobile Updates
Twitter also updated their mobile site by placing favorites and retweets more predominately on the mobile site. This has increased both favorites and retweets by 35%! Have you noticed a difference from your Tweets? The only thing the mobile app does not allow is to comment prior to a retweet. I have to use Tweetcaster for that one still.
Twitter Photo Tagging 
Twitter will be adding photo tagging. It will allow you to tag up to 10 people in a photo on Twitter. The tagging will not add more characters to the 140 character count allowed via Twitter. This new feature is being rolled out to Android and iPhone users first. If you don’t want to be tagged in photos via Twitter check out the privacy settings and adjust them so you cannot be tagged. People who have their Twitter accounts set to private can only be tagged by those that follow them. This twitter change sounds like Facebook doesn’t it?
More Twitter Changes with Twitter Collage Feature
Twitter will also allow you to use up to 4 photos in a single tweet as a collage. Photos have really added a lot into the Twitter stream the past few months and this new feature will only take it a step further. Start snapping those photos away now!
What other Twitter changes would you like to see happen? Which are your favorite new Twitter changes?