You wanna know something funny? Ever since I started this blog nearly 3 years ago, my life has been revolving around fries and men.
Well, because I figured now that I have a blog about fries and men, I need to immerse myself in those things so I can be true to my blog.
At certain times when fries and men didn’t feature much in my life, I would feel like I was doing something wrong. Like I was betraying my blog by not feeding it stories.
I moved to a new city recently though, and decided I want to change my life in a positive way. For starters, I wanted to focus more on me. I realized that by being in and out of flings and relationships, I hadn’t been able to truly focus on the single most important thing in my life – Me! I also decided I would start taking better care of my health and fitness.
In simple terms, I wanted my life to be less revolved around fries and men.
But what about my blog?
I shared this dilemma with a very good friend (also an amazing human being), and he said something really powerful:
“You’re a person with a blog, not a blog with a person”
He was completely right. Here I was, living as though my blog was my life, when the simple truth is that my blog is just what it is: a blog.
And with that realization, I’ve started my journey of living a balanced and healthy life which doesn’t revolve around fries and men.
I still allow myself to have fries from time to time – but it is no longer an addiction or something I crave for. And no, I didn’t become a hermit or a nun. I still go on dates and have my fair share of fun, but I no longer make men the center of my universe.
I am spending more time discovering myself and doing things I love. And you know what, I feel more empowered and happier than I’ve ever been in my life.
And I want to invite all of my readers to try it. Try making your life more about “YOU”, less about fries or men (or whatever else that your life has been revolving around). I promise you’ll see a positive difference :)