First of all, Happy New Year to everyone and Happy Birthday to this blog!
It’s been two years of a roller coaster ride and I hope you guys have enjoyed reading my stories as much as I’ve enjoyed living & writing them
Now, a little update on where I’ve been.
I spent the last three weeks stuffing myself with fries and getting up to all sorts things that weren’t good for my health.
Of course I knew I shouldn’t. And normally I would feel super guilty afterwards.
But because it was holiday season, I convinced myself that it was OK.
It didn’t take a lot of convincing, and as a result, I didn’t feel any guilt for indulging.
Not even a teeny tiny bit.
I could eat all the fries in the world and not hate myself for it.
Life without guilt was a complete bliss.
Or so I thought.
Until I was faced with something much bigger and scarier than guilt.
I’m sure you know it too. It’s called ‘consequence’.
There are different levels of consequences, some can be undone i.e. consequence of eating too much fries –> weight gain –> undo by hitting the gym & eating less.
And there are consequences which are more severe and cannot be undone.
Perhaps guilt exists to serve as a warning sign so we won’t have to face these consequences. And by choosing to avoid guilt, we think we can avoid consequences. But in reality, there’s no escaping consequences.
As my very wise friend B puts it: It’s not the guilt that stops me. It’s the fear of consequence.
This is probably the part where I talk about the need to practice self-control so that there won’t be any guilt or consequences. But who am I kidding? I’m nowhere near that