Entertainment Magazine

Odin's 2016 Top Ten

Posted on the 14 December 2016 by Ripplemusic

Odin's 2016 Top Ten
Image result for khemmis hunted1.  Khemmis – Hunted They rocked our world with their debut in 2015 then came right back with an album that was an absolute game changer. Keep your eyes on this band.
2.   Wo Fat – Midnight Cometh Heavy riffs (what else!) highlight another solid effort from a band that rarely has a misstep
3.   Oranssi Pazuzu – Varahtelija Psychedelic goodness that just comes in one wave after another, coupled with heaviness and just plain weirdness in the best way
Image result for blood ceremony the lord of misrule4.   Blood Ceremony – The Lord of Misrule Retro rock, more psychedelia and interesting subject matter made it seem like the 60's and 70's just left us
5.   Blood Incantation – Starspawn Death metal may be the jumping off point, but its a fun trip through all the different layers and esoterica. Death is alive and well in their hands.
6.   Satanic Warmaster/Archgoat – Split Foul, filthy, blasphemic blackness from two Finnish bands that obviously know how to send their long winter nights
Image result for mammoth weed wizard bastard y proffwyd dwyll7.   Mammoth Weed Wizard Bastard – Y Proffwyd Dwyll This album came out of nowhere and rocked my world. Or doomed my world. You know what I mean.
8.   Winterfylleth – The Dark Hereafter Beautiful, hypnotic black metal from a band that always delivers.
9.   Year of the Cobra - ...In The Shadows Below This band made huge strides from their EP to this full length release, which is a barn burner from first note to last, showcasing a ton of versatility from just bass and drums.
10.Solinaris – Deranged Completely unhinged metal that cannot be pigeon holed. Scratches all the itches you never even knew you had. Deranged indeed.

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