Books Magazine

Obscurity: Vol.1 by PJ Jonothon

By Pamelascott

Random is as random does... PJ JONOTHON's debut bi-annual anthology, Obscurity is a collection of poems concentrated on different themes and topics. Which poem(s) will tickle your curiosity? Find out now!

Poems included in PJ Jonothon's Obscurity Vol.1:

  1. Knock-Knock.
  2. MindReader.
  3. Alone Again.
  4. The Craziest Ideas.
  5. To My British Government.
  6. Inteligance.
  7. Dirty Linguistics.
  8. Restraint.
  9. Flatulence.
  10. That Green, Green Glitter of Home.
  11. Welcwm Tw Gymru.
  12. SoSchwa.
  13. Blood. Sweat. Tears.
  14. Love You to Hell and Back.
  15. Inverted Summer.
  16. I want You Dead Men Who Kiss Men.
  17. A Short Philosophy of Life.
  18. Curiositatem.
  19. A Buddhists' Secret.
  20. Crossroads.


[Nestled snug amidst lightning strikes / Noah's floods quaking mud / it's April's decision of Ørlög's nylon threads KNOCK-KNOCK]


(Independently Published, 21 March 2019, 60 pages, ebook, copy from the author and voluntarily reviewed)



I wasn't sure what to expect with this collection of poetry. I had a space in my time for reading a new collection of poetry so decided to give it a bash. The front cover did not give me much hope that I would find something decent inside. It's not the best cover. I'm glad I gave the collection a chance, though. The poems are quite dark which you don't come across very often. The poems are very vivid with rich imagery. This is unlike poems I usually read and each poem works really well. I was pleasantly surprised.

Obscurity: Vol.1 Jonothon

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