Debate Magazine

Obama 'staggeringly Naive' on Iran

Posted on the 25 September 2013 by Hughvw
"Americans don’t generally eat mushy peas, a staple of British fish and chip shops. But US foreign policy under Barack Obama certainly resembles it" writes The Telegraph's Nile Gardiner.  "The president’s speech to the United Nations General Assembly on was as soggy as it gets...the overarching message he is sending is clear: the Obama administration is prepared to go to the negotiating table with a brutal regime that is the world’s biggest state sponsor of terrorism, and has been aggressively pursuing a nuclear weapons capability.
"Not only is this approach staggeringly naïve. It also send a dangerous signal that the world’s superpower is losing the will to stand up to rogue states, and opens up the possibility of the United States loosening sanctions on Iran. Obama’s words must have been music to the ears of the Mullahs, who continue to operate one of the most oppressive regimes in the world while trying to turn Iran into a regional nuclear power." Read it all. 

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