Debate Magazine

Obama's War on Black Kids

Posted on the 31 August 2013 by Hughvw
"...Why would Obama and Holder take legal action to block a program that is helping low income and minority students receive a better education?  The answer is simple and speaks volumes about the role and purpose of the public school system in America, says Godfather Politics
"The students using the vouchers are attending private and charter schools.  The federal government can’t indoctrinate the students with their socialist anti-Christian and anti-American ideology in private schools.  The students learn the real history of America and the role that Christianity played in our nation’s foundation.  "They learn to be proud to be American and respect the American flag, Pledge of Allegiance and the national anthem. This is what Obama and Holder want to stop.  "They don’t care if minority kids are relegated to a substandard education as long as it brainwashes them to hate America and their parents and look to the government for everything.  Striving to accomplish this goal, our black President has launched a war against Louisiana’s black kids and their families, proving he cares nothing for them.  The only thing Obama cares about is himself and his socialist agenda...."
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