Guest posted by tim, The Godless Heathen
Alternative titles; ‘You Can’t Make This Stuff Up‘ or ‘Fact is Stranger Than Fiction’.
As we apparently sprint towards war with Syria, some things need to be brought up, for no other reason than say…irony.
Let’s start out with this quote - Via Ace of Spades:
“The President does not have power under the Constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not involve stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation.”
Senator Barack Obama, speaking about Pres. Bush launching airstrikes on Iran.
Next, via Moonbattery, comes this wonderful video of then Senator Biden doing his best selfrighteousness also about impeaching Pres Bush. The fun starts @ the 5:30 mark, but I encourage you to watch the full glorious 7+ minutes of Crazy Chris and Uncle Joe.
Last but certainly not least comes this delicious bit via Gateway Pundit -
"A scenario occurred to me that could change the American political landscape on a dime; What if the Obama ordered airstrikes are followed by UN weapons inspections and they discover the WMDs are the same ones theoretically transferred out of Iraq pre-US invasion of March 2003?"
The fascinating rest is here.