So, I didn’t expect this today, when I picked him up yesterday, he greeted me with a big smile and was ever so excited to show me the lion that he had made using paper tissue and wool. This morning, oof, well, that was another story all together. Yes, it resembled the above picture only he had a runny nose and big red eyes. He didn’t ‘holler’ scream but there was lots of weeping.
So here’s what happened.
We left the house 7.40 and got to nursery around 7.55. I dropped him off and the teacher wasn’t in the room, first mistake, think we will leave a little later tomorrow. He was upset his teacher wasn’t there, I don’t think he’s so keen on the TA. She’s a lovely girl, he just doesn’t like her because she’s filipina and he already associates filipinas as being maids (i.e) not people that you listen to. I haven’t taught him that, but he sees it so often in malls, restaurants and by other children, he thinks it’s the norm. We treat our filipina like part of the family and she has the full authority to shout at him whenever need be but he still doesn’t listen to her, she’s too soft with him.
So, I tried to leave him in the classroom and he was having absolutely none of it. I eventually left him on the floor kicking and screaming. I exited the room and STUPIDLY stood by the door outside, out of sight but he opened the door to ‘run’ and boom, there I was…so there was more latching on, hugs, tears, screaming, ‘mummy, I don’t want to go in the classroom, I want to come home’. At this point, his teacher arrived and took him by the hand, he went to her, she cleaned his nose (he let her-something he doesn’t let many do) and she told him he was going to help her, she had a job for him. I like her, she’s a nice girl.
I quickly left. Passed the Nursery manager who informed me she would give me a call if need be… I headed back to my car, climbed inside and just sat there, staring at the building. Could I really just drive off and leave my child with strangers? These people were teachers like myself but I just felt so traumatised at the sight of him so upset, I rarely see Oodie like that, he’s such a bubbly little boy, friendly, says hello to everyone and anyone.
So, I sat, I switched on the CD Player and out blared Whitney Houston. As I listened to the words, I realised, this is what he needs. I have to walk away, it really is the best thing to do. He needs someone to look up to, it can’t be me his whole life, he needs to learn NOT to depend on me. As sad as it may be, but the greatest love of all is happening to me and that’s my child showing me he loves me and wants me but unfortunately, it’s time for my baby boy to step forward, man up as such and grow into his own little person.