Animals & Wildlife Magazine

Now That We Talked About Sanitation, What is the Next Step?

By Probestpest @ProBestPest

On August 25th we did a blog on Sanitation. We briefly talked about sanitation, but what factors play into cleanliness? How about the age of the building, how about shift work and who is responsible for over all cleaning? The entire staff must understand and management must concur with protocols.

  • So what if the building was 20 years old, will it differ from something newer? Maybe?
  • What type of floor does it have, tile, concrete and what about mats?
  • What about equipment, are there numerous cracks and nooks within?
  • Is there water present, how about fans and what range of temperatures?

Is this establishment a restaurant? Are there specials conditions?

  • Is there a bar, how about a buffet?
  • What kind of seats are available?
  • What are the operating hours, when must the work be done?

So what if this is your home? Why does sanitation play a role?

  • If you’ve seen Hoarders you know why? I have seen peanut jelly sandwiches between mattress and box springs, really!
  • Carpet or tile?
  • Laundry and who is responsible, depending on ages of children (or that guy that never cleans)?

So that next step might be to go back to the beginning and then make sure everyone knows their job and duties. The job is never-ending. But in the long haul if everyone understands their responsibilities it will be easier to figure out where the pests are coming from and handle the situation before it becomes impossible.

So do you have any other comments or ideas that may help?

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