Food & Drink Magazine

Nothing Weak About It ~ Rosemary Iced Tea

By Weavethousandflavors

Rosemary iced tea-01
I avoid Weak.

Weak Me.

Weak Friends.

Weak Opinions.

Weak Decaf.

Make that Decaf.

So is it any wonder that I like my tea strong?

You know what turns me off about weak tea?

When you take that first sip and it tastes like watered down, nothing.

Sweet nothing.

Not the good kind.

So here's how I do it.

Begin strong.

Strong tea.

Strong everything.


when it comes to the rosemary.

A whiff, a scent.

It's something.

Something potent.

Something strong.

Something to write about.

 Something to love.

Sweet. Not. Cloyingly.

Gather the ingredients: to make 16 glasses, a pitcher full.

6 qty strong tea bags - preferably Luzianne Iced tea, 1-1/2 cups sugar, 18 glasses water, 4 springs fresh rosemary, ice cubes.

Rosemary iced tea-collage

Rosemary simple syrup:

Begin by bringing the sugar and 2 cups of water to simmer in a stainless steel sauce pan. Stir to melt the sugar and reduce heat, simmering for 10 minutes.

Add the rosemary sprigs and set aside for at least 1 hour or allow to cool completely and refrigerate till ready to use. Will keep for several weeks refrigerated.

Iced tea:

Bring 8 cups water to boil in a tea kettle. In a sauce pan, place the tea bags and pour boiling water over the tea bags. Steep for about 4 minutes. Add the sugar syrup - rosemary twigs and all. Stir to combine.

Add another 8 cups of cold water, Stir. Taste and adjust sugar. If more sugar is prefered, add powdered or confectioners icing sugar and stir to dissolve or serve on the side. Chill the iced tea in the pitcher.

Good to know: Strained simple syrup can also be served on the side in a milk pitcher instead of mixing it up with the tea.

I make the tea strong for the pitcher because once you fill a glass up with ice & the tea, it waters down as the ice melts.



Hands off is not an option!


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