Yanagisawa doesn’t know that this gesture makes him 385% more prone to being caught
- Last week, we met our main characters and learned about the situation that Yanagisawa and Kaga are in.
- Summary of Episode 2: Opening with a strange dream Tada is having, we see that Kaga has found a way into his subconscious. As he wakes up, we learn that he has been attending classes for a week now. Upon arriving at the university, he meets up with Kaga, who is waiting vigilantly for Yanagisawa. the two of them start talking, and we discover that Kaga has such an obsession with Yanagisawa that she can’t even remember Tada’s name. Later that night, Yanagisawa and Tada get together and Tada discusses how he feels bad for Kaga because she is always alone wherever she goes. After that, the two of them go to the Film Club’s meeting where Yanagisawa commits to them, and Tada is abducted from the meeting by the members of the Tea Club, who, in a drunken fit, hold him against his will. The next day, Tada gets ambushed once again by clubs looking to recruit him, when Linda saves him yet again from the recruiters.

Wait, this series has a film club? YES YES YES YES
- My Take: As more and more characters are added, we get to find more and more about the pre-established characters. Naturally, the characters aren’t nearly as fleshed out as they will eventually be, but the development I’ve seen in some of them is very promising. I would assume that Tada will be given a great deal of development (as he is the protagonist). I am particularly interested in how Kaga’s character will develop. As of now, she’s just an obsessed girl who isolates herself. But in this episode, she says that she doesn’t want to be isolated and that she is actually very lonely. Already she has had some fascinating development. The other character I’m most interested in is Linda. The way she continuously saves Tada from the recruiters is fascinating, and she claims that it’s what responsible upperclassmen should do, but key elements to her character suggest that there’s something more to her intentions.
- Well, it’s time for Tada and Kaga to choose a club! That’s great, and just like in the first episode, Tada gets ambushed by invitations at even the hint of his search for a club. Now, the recruitment process isn’t quite as ruthless, but the recruiters find a way to discomfort Tada to no end. Tada does branch out of his comfort zone and checks out a couple of clubs, all with something separate that appeals to him. He has the option of joining the Film Club with Yanagisawa and Oka, or he could join the Festival Club, which is the club that Linda is in. There are great incentives either way, so I have no idea which he would favor.
- Tada’s relationships grow even more in this episode. It seems less as if Tada was thrown into the drama between Yanagisawa and Kaga, and more like he genuinely enjoys their separate companionship. Yanagisawa confusion as to why Tada enjoys Kaga’s company is pretty amusing. I only hope that Tada doesn’t have to go through a similar type of obsession that has made Yanagisawa the man he is today.
- The Tea Club looks like a lot of fun, but I doubt their beverage of choice is tea.

Hmm… I suddenly feel very unclean while watching this…
- Kaga was the main focus for this episode, and with good reason. In the first episode, all we really saw of her was her obsessive side. Now, we get to go into a bit more depth as to the toll her fantasy has on her social life, and it turns out that this fixation on Yanagisawa tends to turn people off (well, that and her beauty/reputation sort of play a big role). tada’s handling of this is fascinating. Instead of brushing it off as a deranged fantasy, he summons up a lot of empathy for Kaga. I surprisingly felt the same way about Kaga; she is such a flawed character, and it’s sad because she inflicts these flaws upon herself.

I can safely say I didn’t expect to see this imagery
- Personally, I really liked this episode. I like learning about these characters, and I like seeing them all interact with one another. So far, Golden Time is living up to the expectations I set for it after watching the first episode. But I have to keep in mind that this is only the second episode, and an anime can change drastically over the course of several episodes. But for now, this series is a lot of fun.

Of course! Don’t you know all of the heiresses of famous major hospitals? It’s just common knowledge!