…but linked
Every once in a while we supplant the evening sermon in our church with a ‘question panel’. Last night the questions were on ‘threats and opportunities for the Christian church in the UK’. Not surprisingly, perhaps, there was a question on the effects of technology and their isolating influence. Equally unsurprising was my response that such technology can link at least as much as it isolates. It all depends how we use it. Little did I know I would have such a powerful illustration of it in my inbox today.
Ten days ago I wrote an article on our church website about our unusual relationship with sport in the UK. You can read it in full here. In that article I alluded to a half-remembered story about an episode during the Falklands War. I mentioned on Twitter that I was looking to confirm details…and that’s when the links started working their magic. Somebody tweeted it to somebody who tweeted it to Falkland Islands Radio. They put it out on the airwaves and on their Facebook page…and today I was sent the screenshot below. 8000 miles there, 8000 miles back and I had my answer.
Got to love it really…