OM at 3:
can count to 20
can recognize his letters
loves to play pretend with big sis
pretends to be any super hero but his favs are Spiderman, SuperWhy and "Mac and America"
potty trained
likes going to school and hardly meets a stranger
is a big momma's boy
plays with trains, planes and automobiles any time he can
has no fear!
just moved up to the Intermediate class at school!
is a live wire up until bedtime...even in bed for a little while
wakes up on his own by 6 most mornings
wears the cowboy boots from Aunt Stacy and family every single day!
knows how to give the pouty face and that is will most times work on momma
is a master like his sis at testing the limits and dad and mom's patience :)
is learning how to use the remote
very independant!
There is so much more I could write about our precious little man. We are blessed by him every day!
He picked out strawberry cupcakes with white icing.
No influence from sis either.
He enjoyed licking the candle.
Love you little man! Looking forward to many more celebrations!