Politics Magazine

NOT A Historic Moment (Just Another Trump Photo-Op)

Posted on the 01 July 2019 by Jobsanger
NOT A Historic Moment (Just Another Trump Photo-Op) (Image of Trump and Kim Jong-Un standing in North Korea is from abc7ny.com.)
Donald Trump took a short trip from the G20 summit in Japan to the DMZ between North and South Korea to have a short meeting with North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un. While there, he stepped over the tiny concrete barrier between the two Koreas and walked a few steps into North Korea.
And the U.S. media went wild. Some called it a historic moment (which Trump loved), saying he was the first sitting U.S. president to enter North Korea.
Frankly, it makes me ashamed of the media. It was NOT a historic moment. It was nothing more than a photo-op. A made-up event to make the two failed leaders try to look important.
Historic moments change history. This stunt by Trump (and Kim Jong-Un) changed nothing. Do you believe this is a moment that will be in future history books? A moment that will be taught in future history classes as meaningful? Of course not!
That's because it changed nothing.
North Korea still has its nuclear weapons and missiles -- and it continues to build up its stockpile of both. And the North Korean dictator continues to play Trump like a violin. The only person to benefit from this publicity stunt is Kim Jong-Un, because it gives the impression that he is important enough to have a U.S. president at his beck and call (while giving up nothing). It just makes Trump look like a fool.
NOTE -- Don't you think Iranian leaders are watching? They should be more convinced than ever that they need to develop nuclear weapons of their own. It should be clear to them now that the way to get respect from Trump is to be a nuclear power (like the murderous regime of North Korea). Abiding by a treaty to not develop nuclear weapons got them nothing but sanctions and threats of war from Trump.
So, while Trump's North Korean photo-op fiasco has not made anything better, it will make the world a more dangerous place. Trump is not smart enough to know that, and doesn't seem to care (since photo-ops are more important than diplomacy to him).

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