
North Korea Warns of ‘stronger’ Action Following New US Sanctions

Posted on the 15 January 2022 by Geetikamalik

North Korea on Friday formed a Biden government for imposing new sanctions on the country on his latest missile test and warned stronger and more explicit actions if Washington maintained “confrontational attitude.”
In a statement brought by the North Korean North Korean news agency, a spokesman for the foreign ministry who was unknown to defend the recent recognized hypersonic missile launch as the correct self-defense exercise.

A spokesman for the new Sanctions said underlined hostile intentions.

Biden administration on Wednesday imposed sanctions in five North Korea for their role in obtaining equipment and technology for North Missal programs in response to the latest missile tests in the north of this week and also said they would look for sanctions u.n.

Announcement by the Ministry of Finance was only hours after North Korea said the leader Kim Jong UN oversees a successful exam from hypersonic missiles on Tuesday that he claimed to greatly improve the “prevention of war” nuclear war.

North Korean spokesman accused the United States to maintain a “like gangster” attitude, by saying that the development of North New Missiles was part of its efforts to modernize the military and did not target certain countries or threaten their neighbors.

“However, the US deliberately increases the situation even with independent sanctions activation, not satisfied with referring to the DPRK activity only to the UN Security Council,” said a spokesman, used an abbreviation of North Korea’s formal name, the Democratic Republic of the People, Democratic Republic of Korea.

“This shows that even though the US government is currently trumpet about diplomacy and dialogue, it is still engrossed in its policy to isolate and inhibits the DPRK … If the US adopts a confrontational attitude, the DPRK will be forced to take stronger and forced. Certain reactions to it,” said That spokesman.

Tuesday’s test was the second demonstration of North Korea from hypersonic missiles intended in the week. The country in recent months has increased a potentially nuclear new missile test designed to defeat the missile defense system in the region, because it continues to expand its military capabilities amid freezing in diplomacy with the United States.
Hypersound weapons, which fly at speeds beyond Mach 5, or five times the speed of sound, can cause important challenges for the missile defense system because of their speed and the ability of their maneuvers.

Such weapons are on the hope list of Kim’s advanced military assets launched earlier last year along with multi-hulu spare missiles, spy satellites, long-range missiles of solid burns and nuclear missiles launched submarines.

However, experts say North Korea will need years and more successful and long distance tests before obtaining a credible hypersonic system.

Biden administration, whose policies have reflected a broader shift in the focus of counterterrorism and what is called naughty countries such as North Korea and Iran to face China, said it was willing to continue talks with North Korea anytime without prerequisites.

But North Korea has so far rejected the idea of ​​open conversation, told A.S. Must first attract “hostile policy,” the term Pyongyang is mainly used to describe sanctions and South Korean military journals.

In an interview with MSNBC, the Secretary of State Antony Blinken said the latest North Korea test was “very destabilized” and said the United States was very involved in U.N. And with major partners, including South Korean and Japanese allies, with responses.

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