Photography Magazine

North American P-51D Mustang

By Htam

DSC_3711@ Half Moon Bay, CA

April 2008

P-51 Mustang “StrawBoss 2” touches down after a warbird flight during the 2008 Pacific Coast Dream Machines airshow. Part of the California Warbirds Air Museum collection,
“StrawBoss 2” wears the colors flown by 328 FS/352nd FG Col. James D Mayden. Mayden had 2 air victories, 4 ground kills and commanded the 352nd FG from July 1944 to September 1945.  More than 8100 of the D-model were produced, contributing to the total of 15,000 Mustangs built for the war. After World War II, the P-51 Mustang served in the air forces of over 55 countries.  Nikon D70s w/80-200mm.

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