Photography Magazine

North American F-100F Super Sabre

By Htam

ECO,  Evergreen Aviation & Space Museum,  North American F-100F,

@Evergreen Aviation & Space Museum, McMinnville, OR

May 2014

A Super Sabre photographed on my second trip to this museum.  Like many of the Century Series of fighters, the Super Sabre is a very cool looking plane and I am always pleased to have the opportunity to photograph one.  The F-100 was the first Air Force fighter to exceed the speed of sound in level flight and was lso used by the USAF Thunderbirds for 12 years.  The two-seat Foxtrot model was used for the MISTY missions flown during the Vietnam War.  With two pilots to a plane, the MISTYs’ objective was to disrupt supplies and equipment on the Ho Chi Minh Trail, the main supply route between North and South Vietnam.  HDR with a Nikon D7000 w/18-200 mm using Photomatix Pro and Aperture.

North American F-100F Super Sabre

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