Nokia XR20 spotted with Qualcomm Snapdragon 480 SoC and Android 11 on Geekbench listing. It is expected to be the third device from HMD Global that might be launch in the Nokia X series portfolio this year. HMD Global revealed the Nokia X10 & Nokia X20 back in April.
Nokia XR20 spotted on Geekbench listing
Nokia XR20 spotted
Nokia is all set to launch a new device to its X series portfolio very soon. Recently, A report from 91 Mobile shared the Geekbench listing of Nokia’s upcoming X series phone. As per the listing, HMD Global Nokia XR20 will be powered by the Qualcomm Snapdragon 480 chipset clocked at 1.80Ghz, Adreno 619 GPU, and may couple with 4GB RAM. Coming to the Geekbench scores, Nokia XR20 is managed to score 509 points on the Single-core test and 1455 points on the Multi-core test.
There is no information why the company planning to launch one more X series device when the X10 and X20 already present in the market with the same chipset. Currently, It is hard to say that the XR20 will be the upgraded or slightly lower-toned version of the Nokia X20.
However, The company has not confirmed any information about the Nokia XR20, So this piece of information should be taken with pinch of salt. What are your views on Nokia’s upcoming XR20 phone, Do let us know your views in the comment section below.