We are making a rare guest appearance here in our old hang out. We felt it necessary to make a few points after November 8th. We cannot imagine a circumstance in which any point in the next four years will be “normal”. Currently nothing commentators, pundits, experts or even supporters say can make this situation normal. For the first time in living memory nothing a candidate said disqualified him from holding office. Literally nothing. In fact, this candidate stated he could walk down Fifth Avenue and shoot someone and he would still get elected. He’s probably correct. Nothing he says or does makes a difference to the Trumptards who voted for him. Not his previous statements, not his glaring conflicts of interest, not his poor management skills (Who loses $1 billion on a casino?), not his misogyny, racism, bigotry, narcissism, bullying nor anger. It just doesn’t matter. He can tell three lies per sentence and no one cares. Certainly not his Trumptards.
There are many voices that are saying to give him a chance. Why? Did he earn it? This is the same person who claimed for eight years that Barack Obama was an illegitimate president because Obama was born in Kenya and was probably a Muslim. And, as a reminder, Barack Obama won both the popular vote and the Electoral College…twice. Some people hold out hope that he will nominate someone stable to a cabinet position or White House staff who will provide “balance”. That is only wishful thinking. Nothing in the past indicates that there is any sort of balance within this person. We’ll only get more old white male bigots. Did that sound bigoted? Apparently this guy can say it and no one thinks it’s bigoted. Which brings us to our point:
This will not be a normal four years. Everything this country of immigrants has fought for will be challenged. Rights will be taken away from groups that have fought and died for them. Voting rights have been under quiet threat for years. Now, it won’t be so quiet. Education will become more expensive and rarefied. If it is not denigrated. There will be massive efforts to dumb everything down. Up will be called down, failure will be called success and rich will be called poor. It’s not reality TV anymore. It’s reality. It just looks like a bad TV show.
Maybe in four years the Trumptards will be angry that they’ve been lied to. But they are willing believers right now. It is up to the rest of us to keep what we believe intact and fight against those who will take it away.
Here are some good places to start:
Note: We are not signalling our return. We now return you to your previous blog editor.