Debate Magazine

No Sympathy

Posted on the 23 October 2015 by Markwadsworth @Mark_Wadsworth

From the Guardian
“My dad’s detention has been a total nightmare for all the family,” Foroughi’s son, Kamran, told the Guardian. “My dad has always strenuously maintained his innocence and we believe him. We are not aware of any evidence that justifies the espionage charge. My daughters have lived half their lives without seeing Grandpa and keep asking when he is coming home. All I can do is give them a hug.”

Foroughi’s consultancy role at Petronas included arranging and participating in meetings with senior Iranian oil and gas officials and facilitating scholarships for Iranian students on a government bursary to study in Malaysia. 

It is not clear on what evidence Iran convicted him on spying charges but Foroughi holds both British and Iranian citizenships. Iran’s intelligence apparatus view dual nationals with deep suspicion and have arrested a number of them in recent years, including the Iranian-American journalist Jason Rezaian, who is currently facing similar charges.
Just to get this straight. You got out of Iran at sometime, a repressive, undemocratic country with a reputation for human rights abuses, and then willingly went back there, and now you're complaining about the treatment you got?
The way I avoid being detained by a bunch of bastards in Iran is simple: I don't go to Iran. It's very simple. And if my employers asked me to, I'd tell them to piss off.
I have no sympathy for these people. They're doing high paid jobs including a risk premium for going to dangerous places. And the risk didn't pay off.

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