People now are talking about boycotting Osem due to their increase in prices. They are posting comparisons online showing other Israeli brands selling the exact same product for one price with Osem selling it at a significantly higher price.
I am all for boycotting Osem if that is what they want to do. And I hope it has the desired effect in pressuring Osem to knock down their prices a notch or three.
I am wondering though what has happened until now with no boycott. When people see two products almost exactly the same on the shelf and one is 20-45% higher in price - why were they buying Osem, the higher priced product, rather than the cheaper competition?
If they perceive Osem to be higher quality, then perhaps the higher price is justified. If they are not perceiving it as higher quality but the same, then why have they been buying the higher priced item?
Every time you go to the store you have the choice of what to by. You don't need to call for a boycott to buy the cheaper, or more reasonably priced, item. And if you choose to pay the higher price, you are clearly perceiving some sort of benefit making it worthwhile.
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