
No Comments on Religion, BJP Advises Its Spokespersons

Posted on the 09 June 2022 by Geetikamalik

The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) suggested his spokesman in a series of informal internal instructions to be more controlled, because he tried to burn the diplomatic crisis in West Asia which was triggered by party leaders who made controversial comments on the Prophet Mohammed last week.

The party asked a spokesman to use the language measured, refrain from criticizing any religion, religious leaders or symbols, and did not violate the goals of the party by being provoked in television debates, senior leaders were aware of developments. Only the authorized leader will be allowed to represent the party in the air, they added.

Over the past few months, it is noted that some party members are increasingly fierce in the media and make uncontrolled comments in efforts to progress and be considered. This trend needs to be captured, “added this person on anonymous condition.

But informal instructions may not be given throughout the organization because many spokespersons are contacted to be denied that they have been spoken to, even if only informally.

Development occurred on Malaysia’s day to be the latest country that condemned a statement made by a BJP spokesman who was now suspended, Nupur Sharma, last week. The clutch of Muslim-majority countries in West Asia, South Asia and Southeast Asia has condemned the statement, representing the challenges of a strong foreign policy for the government in an area that has worked hard to strengthen relations.

Kuwait, Qatar and Iran summoned the Indian Ambassador on Sunday to protest Sharma’s statement, which was moved as a spokesperson and suspended by the party, and Naveen Jindal, issued by BJP. The Ministry of External Affairs said such comments reflect “views of the periphery elements”.

The suspension, expulsion [spokesman], and public actions taken in this case are also intended to act as prevention for other leaders, and to send messages to all leaders to reduce their language, “said the leader quoted above.

Informal instructions also advised a spokesperson to check the topic of the debate and prepare in advance, not “cheated” to comment on the problem of dividing and focusing on upholding party work.

Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Jordan, the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) and the Islamic Cooperation Organization (OKI) condemned the statement and a senior official of the Oman Foreign Ministry raised this issue with the Indian ambassador. Indonesia, Maldives and Libya also condemned the statement. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs did not respond to statements from West Asian countries, Indonesia and GCC but Arindam Bagchi’s spokesman rejected criticism from Pakistan and OKI.

On Tuesday, Malaysia said “without conditions condemning the insulting statement” and added that they had conveyed “total rejection” to the Indian envoy. “Malaysia calls on India to work together in ending Islamophobia and stopping any provocative actions for the interests of peace and stability,” said the statement by the State Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

This controversy is a serious foreign policy challenge for the country because most of Indian energy needs are met by oil and gas from West Asian countries, especially Saudi Arabia and Iraq. The government has worked diligently in recent years to improve relations with the region, described as an wider environment in India, and bonds have increased dramatically with Saudi Arabia and UAE. West Asia is also home to around nine million expatriates before the Covid-19 crisis, and many Indians who return home have returned when restrictions related to Pandemic are reduced.

The government has repeatedly said that they gave “the highest respect for all religions”, and that “offensive tweet and comments that demean religious personality were made by certain people” the Ministry of Foreign Affairs also said that the statement was “no, in any way , reflecting the views of the Indian government “and” strong action” had been taken against the individuals by relevant bodies.

The post No comments on religion, BJP advises its spokespersons first appeared on TheDivineMantra.

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