A woman wakes up, frightened and alone. The room shaking and jumping like it's alive. The noise is terrifying. Where is she? Stumbling through a door, she realizes she is on a train carriage. A carriage full of the dead. A personal hell unfolding in an apocalyptic future. This is NIGHT TRAIN. A terrifying ride set on a driverless locomotive, heading for a collision somewhere in the endless night. How did the woman get here? Who is she? And who are the dead? As our heroine makes her way through the train trying to find out what happened to her, she meets a former strongman, a trained killer, and a collection of strange and terrifying creatures. Each step takes her closer to finding out the secret of the Night Train.

[Night. Blackness, anyway. Darkness. No light. Nothing. Just night]***
(@TitanBooks, 9 June 2020, 400 pages, ebook, #ARC from the publisher via # NetGalley and voluntarily reviewed)
I'd never heard of the author before, but the premise intrigued me, so I decided to have a read. This is not the book I was expecting. The cover and even the blurb make it sound like an average (I mean that in a nice way) horror novel. This unique book ticks the box for many genres including horror, science fiction and dystopian. There are moments at first when I didn't think it'd like the book which is one long journey as various characters try and get to the front of the train to speak to or see the driver. However, it's so well written I soon tuned into the book and it grew on me. I just really wanted to know what was going on and kept been pulled further and further into the bizarre story. I will definitely read more by this author.