Books Magazine

Niall Williams’s History of the Rain

Posted on the 14 August 2014 by Angela Young @AngelaYoung4

I’m so full of Niall Williams‘s History of the Rain that I don’t want to write about anything else this month.

It is the most beautiful and beautifully-written novel I’ve read, probably ever, and if not ever, then certainly for a very very long time. And it is – naturally – a book I would love to have written myself but i hardly dare even think so because I haven’t the man, Niall Williams’s, genius.

It’s a novel that sings to its reader and enfolds her. It’s a novel about writing and reading and books and stories and about our need for stories:
Only through story can we tolerate death.

History of the Rain by Niall Williams

And it’s a wonderful story too.

Here’s my goodreads review.

Thank you for writing it, Niall Williams.

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