Society Magazine

News Boss Attempts New Viral Campaign to Shift January Blues

Posted on the 19 January 2015 by 72point @72hub

One Poll CEO behind viral campaign to get people smiling for January. 


With Blue Monday upon us and the cold weather setting in a news boss in London has looked to get people smiling for January with an innovative viral campaign.

Using hashtag #smileforjanuary One Poll CEO John Sewell is encouraging the nation to share their favorite jokes to brighten up the month.

Following the success of the Ice Bucket Challenge and the more recent ‘share your first profile picture’ viral campaign, Smile for January hopes to bring friends across the country together by encouraging them to share the jokes that make them smile with friends that share their sense of humor.

But unlike previous campaigns that have been linked to charities or organisations, John Sewell says the call to action here is to “simply to make people smile.”

“January is such a dull month and with all the downbeat news that has been circulating recently we thought it was about time to cheer up the nation’s mood.”

“And what better way to achieve it then sharing our favorite jokes. When I’m feeling down my friends know to hit me with a good one liner or knock knock joke and I feel better almost instantly. Laughter really is the best medicine.”

A host of classic one liners have already started to circulate, with knock knocks particularly popular as Brits scour their memories for the jokes that crack them up the most. Some of the most circulated jokes so far are:

Top 5 One Liners

  • I hate Russian dolls, they’re so full of themselves.
  • I recently decided to sell my vacuum cleaner, all it was doing was gathering dust.
  • Whiteboards are remarkable.
  • I have an inferiority complex, but it’s not a very good one.
  • Love means nothing to a tennis player.

Top 3 Knock Knock Jokes

“Knock knock.”

“Who’s there?”

“A broken pencil.”

“A broken pencil who?”

“Never mind it’s pointless”


“Knock knock.”

“Who’s there?”

“Cows go.”

“Cows go who?”

“No silly cows go moo”


“Knock knock.”

“Who’s there?”


“Nobody who?”

Top 5 Visual 

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