Entertainment Magazine

New York, New York Trip (July 2017)

Posted on the 24 July 2017 by Caz @LetsGoToTheMov7

I promise that this is my very last post about my New York trip (honestly) it might just stem some film related posts though, but don’t worry I still have a few film/tv related photos to share. Some of them are from knowledge gained on the On Location Central Park and/or Bus Tour.

War Paint Review
War Paint CD Release
Groundhog Day the Musical Review
Hello, Dolly! Review
Stage Door: David Hyde Pierce
Ellen’s Stardust Diner

Along with seeing the shows and doing the tours, I could not resist another visit to my favorite building of all the Empire State Building, come on An Affair to Remember is one of my all time favorite films. So this would make it the third time I had been to the top of it, the queues were huge though as it was such a lovely day. You can pre-book these things which works out slightly cheaper and you get less queues but it wasn’t something I was sure we were going to end up doing.

New York, New York Trip (July 2017)
Favourite photo “It was the nearest thing to heaven”

I thought I would also include the photos taken going up to the top and the amazing view!

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I then managed to get a few different photos of things we learnt about on the TV and Movie tours, so the inspiration for the fountain in Friends is outside the Plaza hotel. They didn’t actually use this one though as they thought it was too big, so a smaller replica version was made to film the opening sequence.

New York, New York Trip (July 2017)

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Top of the Rock was a fantastic experience I had never done this one before, but was certainly a must as our hotel The Jewel was right over the road from it. Again you can pre-book a date but I was actually pleased we didn’t do that considering the Friday it was extremely heavy rain all day you wouldn’t have been able to see anything at all from the top. It is well worth the effort and they give you a 15 minute time slot to head up which means the queues are too big and it doesn’t take a lot of time to visit the different levels. Amazing views towards Central Park as well as seeing the Empire State Building, yes you may have noticed my love for that!

New York, New York Trip (July 2017)
New York Public Libary

Amazing on the outside (and inside) we had a little walk around inside and it really is an incredible building. Also seen in Spider-Man 2 and you know where Big had left Carrie when they are supposed to be getting married, and that scene in the street is right next to this building! Well worth a visit if you are in NYC as it is free to go in, they have some fantastic different covers on classic literature as well if you love your books!

New York, New York Trip (July 2017)
The view from the taxi when heading back to the airport! 

You really do a lot of walking in New York and eat some great food, which actually costs quite a lot as they expect you to tip between 18-22% which is often added on without even asking you, but you feel you really do have to just leave that much money. We only had two meals per day though as breakfast really does fill you right up, I was defeated many times by the huge portion sizes that the US offers, until next time New York!


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