Family Magazine

New York Hotel Guests Build a Wall of LEGO

By Boxmash
LEGO wall 02

Wouldn’t the walls in your house look so much cooler if they had LEGO on them? Well that is what New York City hotel Yotel thinks. They’re redecorating their lobby, and whilst all the workmen are busy, they’ve put up a wall made of LEGO to hide the mess. Best of all, guests at the hotel can make designs from LEGO and stick them on the wall to brighten it up!

New York hotel guests build a wall of LEGO New York hotel guests build a wall of LEGO New York hotel guests build a wall of LEGO New York hotel guests build a wall of LEGO

There are already lots of designs that guests have made, from iconic American landmarks like the Statue of Liberty, to logos of their favorite music bands like The Beatles. The wall will stay up until the new lobby is finished in March. Before they pull it down, the hotel staff will decide what design is the best and award the person who made it with a free stay at Yotel. If you want to check out the designs, search for the hastag #MyLegoMasterpiece on Twitter to see what people have made.

Photos courtesy of NewsComAu. 

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