We got up early and headed straight to Times Square and took some photos on the red stairs (that were previously so busy we didn't even bother trying).

I then wanted to go and check Chelsea Market out after doing some instagram stalking and falling in love with their decorations. Unfortunately the decorations had since changed, and although still pretty, wasn't half as impressive as the photos I saw. Still, I loved the markets atmosphere and its quirky features, wooden flooring and unique independent stalls. There were tonnes of international food stalls here and I really wanted to sample some food but we'd planned on going to Black Tap afterwards for lunch, so I didn't want to spoil my dinner!

The previous day we had trekked up and down Tribeca/China Town (much to Mike's annoyance) to find this famous Black Tap restaurant (where I saw photos of the most awesome milkshakes), however we didn't have any luck, so this day I was determined to track down the one remaining restaurant we were still yet to find (there are 2 Black Taps in NYC). Luckily we found it, however had to queue. Mike wasn't happy that he was queuing for food, but I managed to persuade him to stick with it! Unfortunately, I felt like this restaurant is somewhat over-rated... the milkshakes were brilliant to look at, but the food was pretty average. I'm glad I gave it a shot though.

After this we took a slow walk back to Macy's and I may have made my first ever Macy's purchase.

We then had some chill-out time in the hotel before headed to Carraghers bar (Mike is a Liverpool fan *rollseyes*). We chatted over cocktails (which mine very quickly turned into a lemonade... #toostrong) and reflected over our time in NY.

That's it for my NY diaries! Stay tuned where on Day 5 we move across to Florida for some Disney fun!
Have you read Day's 1-3 of my NY trip?
Day 1 - Lady Lib, Lashing Rain & Lights
Day 2 - Top of the Rock, Grand Central & Ice Skating in Central Park
Day 3 - Central Park, Ghostbusters & Saks 3D Light Show