New Years is a time for renewed hope, weird hookups, resolutions to be a better person, and perhaps most importantly, crippling hangovers. The concept of a new year is a little bit scary, especially as you start to get up there in years and you start to feel bitter (Or perhaps more accurately – more bitter than usual). That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try and approach the new year with a sense of hope though. Here are a couple of things you can pt your faith in as you move forward into 2016, resolutions that you should consider making as we delve into a brave new world. After all, now we’re closer to 2052 than 1983 and that’s a thought that I don’t think that any of us want to deal with. So here are five resolutions that will hopefully guide your forward in this new year. I’m off to get drunk now.

5. Go On Tour At Least Once
This one isn’t just to help your band, but also you as an individual. Going on tour, while draining, is a great way to get a whole lot of life experience really fast. You meet a lot of really cool people and find yourself in all sorts of crazy new situations that you will never forget, for better or for worse. Not only that but it helps to bring your band together by forcing you all into a situation where you all have to be professionals every evening. It helps people to see if this is really the life they want or if they should maybe start considering different options. Simply put – going on tour could be the best experience and not only will it be a fun and educational time but you will also get to get your bands music in front of hundreds of new people.

4. Listen To Music At Half Volume.
This is a big one, something I picked up a few New Years’ ago. When I listen to music in my earbuds I try to leave the volume at or below fifty percent. We’ve all heard countless stories from friends and relatives about how loud music will destroy your hearing and after a while these start to ring true (Literally!) I’m assuming you already wear ear protection at shows, this is simply the next step in the process. I knew that my hearing was starting to go from a young age, but when I started cutting the volume on my iPod things started to feel better, even though I started going to more live shows. Maybe I’m just too far gone and I’m just going crazy, but I genuinely believe this is a great way to protect your hearing and make sure I’m building for a sustainable future.

3. Get Really Into a New Genre
2015 is the year that I got really into pop punk after my sister took me to see Modern Baseball a handful of times. This has led to an obsession with bands like Neck Deep and State Champs. Now, as I enter a new job I’m excited about all the R&B I’ve been able to listen to. While I will always be a metal dude, there is something very refreshing about diving into a new genre of music and discovering the great art that has come to define a subculture very different from your own. Growing your musical palette will also help your own art and make your music more interesting. Make a commitment to yourself that you will uncover a new genre of music this year. Even if you think that there’s no genre you’re not familiar with that just means you haven’t dug deep enough. My roommate has been getting into Bosnian protest music for gods sake, I’m sure you can find something. As you learn to appreciate the power of good songwriting above all else it’s hard not to fall in love with music all over again.

2. Embrace the Chaos of the Industry
One of the weirdest things about the music industry is how rapidly things can change and how even if you think you’re on top of things everything can suddenly fall apart without any real warning. This is a volatile world and we all need to start getting used to it. The music industry isn’t a kind place and it’s one that requires you to keep a brave face and drive forward. I encourage you to take time this year to just embrace the madness and realize that it will never make sense and if it ever did make sense some of the magic will be gone. I know that I certainly need to get better at embracing the darkness and blogging is going to continue being my path forward. We all need to work together but accept the fact that until we’re millionaires we won’t be able to dictate how things move forward and that’s okay.
1. Create The Next Piece of Great Art
Be it a song, an album, or just a really good mix, for pretty much any artist your primary goal should be to create the next piece of great art. I’m not saying it’s going to happen, but that should be the goal, to reach out your arms further, to run faster and the one fine morning… In this next year you will find yourself facing a brave new tomorrow and the hope for a future that sees you getting the recognition you deserve. Anyone can just about scratch it out as long as they have the tenacity, but few people have the patience and discipline to truly become great. This should be your goal, to drive forward and become an innovator who commands the respect of the masses. And I’m sure that every single one of you dear readers has what it takes to do it.
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