Fashion Magazine

New Years Eve Sparkle

By Amy Havins @dallaswardrobe

new years eve dressesnew years eve dressesnew years eve dressesnew years eve dressesnew years eve dressesNew Years Eve seems to be the night where all of the sparkles that have been hiding in closets come out to play. While I am a girl who loves a year round sparkle, I will say it is fun to wear them on New Years Eve. Sparkles on any garment or accessory add this extra festive feeling to the night, which I love. While this year I am not sure I will be wearing sparkles (still looking for the perfect dress) I have picked a few of my favorite dress options that I think would be perfect for New Years Eve. At least I still have 8 days to find something perfect…decisions, decisions.

Shop My Favorite New Years Dresses

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