We thought New Year, new decade. But, no one could have guessed we would be hit with a new virus. COVID-19 has changed so much for us personally and very much so professionally too. It doesn't matter which industry you work in, COVID-19 came in with its own rules and it was up to us to make adjustments according to it.
It's estimated that in total COVID-19 will cost the global economy $2.7 trillion.
For marketers, could COVID-19 mean the end of traditional media and a push to online media channels? We're already forecasting more ad spent since more people are going to spend more time online whether it's on their phones, desktops or apps.
With important events being pushed and even cancelled (like the 2020 Olympics that are now scheduled to begin in July 2021), large corporations and small businesses alike have been overshadowed by the ongoing impact of COVID-19.
While businesses have had to dig into their pockets to survive, there are some areas of extreme pivoting and rapid evolution. For instance, tele-health has been said to skip a decade and permanently be available to Australians.
Data Storage Services and Online Food Ordering and Delivery Platforms are other industries that have been said to outperform due to COVID-19.
Its too soon to say how COVID-19 will change marketing in 2021. As I sit here and type this, I know we will face new challenges next year.
For now, I'd like to mention the direction of this blog. Its been on my mind. I am planning something big for 2021. Watch this space...