Lifestyle Magazine

New Year, New Resolutions

By G J @myfavesjournal

Most of us have made New Year’s resolutions, and unfortunately, most of us have failed to keep them. I tend to keep mine up for the first couple of weeks, but inevitably fail in my resolve. So, this year I decided to try something different. Why not have a little fun with my resolutions by making them more style and beauty oriented?


1.  Try a new look: This year I’m going to make a look I’ve previously shied away from work for me! 2014 marks the year I rock the classic pencil skirt, with mix prints or lace texture and make it a perfect sexy staple.

2. Learn a new, fun skill: I resolve to master knitting and make some colorful and bold knitwear all by myself!

3. Not take my skin for granted: I’m going to grab 2014 with two lusciously soft hands as I promise myself to moisturize as often as possible, while also making a concerted effort to find, and apply an awesome nighttime eye serum.  I am on the lookout for a great eye cream. Any ideas ladies?

4. Beautify my mind: This year I endeavor to make more time to read and educate myself. I’m not talking War and Peace here, but a fun pocket-sized etiquette and social situations book for example, will certainly be added to my 2014 reading list.

What fashion or beauty resolutions will you make for 2014?


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Filed under: beauty, beauty secret, Decor, Fashion, Gift Ideas, Living, Uncategorized

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