Architecture Magazine

New Work ::: Visitor Centre of the Roman Theatre of Málaga

By Architechnophilia @atechno
New Work ::: Visitor Centre of the Roman Theatre of MálagaNew Work ::: Visitor Centre of the Roman Theatre of MálagaNew Work ::: Visitor Centre of the Roman Theatre of MálagaNew Work ::: Visitor Centre of the Roman Theatre of MálagaNew Work ::: Visitor Centre of the Roman Theatre of MálagaNew Work ::: Visitor Centre of the Roman Theatre of MálagaDesigned by Tejedor Linares & Associates, the 172 m2 Visitor Centre was aimed to be fully integrated with the historic site, the visitors, and the city beyond. The facility acts as a cultural axis that passes the Native House of Pablo Picasso, the Alcazaba, the Museum of Málaga and the Picasso Museum. This axis leads the city into an experience of the past and future of the area, uncovering layers of Spanish culture that touch art, entertainment and civic remains.
The materials of the building are humble, coloured concrete integrate with the natural tones of the limestone and soil of the hillside and the walls of the Alcazaba. The exterior is finished with the Lex Malacitana - the laws of the Roman municipality of Málaga in the last first century written in a serigraphic on both the glass . This graphic condition is a beautiful system in Latin that supports the context the two fundamental needs of the Visitors Centre: to present and archive the archeological remains recovered from the site and to provide interpretation and support to the on going archeological works.
photographs © Fernando Alda via

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