Art & Design Magazine
Looking for the ideal arty Christmas gift for that special someone in your life? Then look no further than my new, one size fits all, 'Morphed Components' screen prints – printed on special Christmasy, snow-coloured paper (i.e. white).
The prints are based upon one of my pencil drawings in which I morphed together elements of different found objects and materials that I'd been collecting for use in my sculptures. Unlike my recent speed drawings this one harks back to the draughtsmanship style I used when I first started out as a technical illustrator for one of the big Japanese companies. I found it interesting using the same precise and clinical rendering that I used back then, on something that is personal to what I do now. Some people have said that they find the drawing a bit disturbing but I find it quite relaxing to stare at (the original hangs on the wall at the foot of my bed).
In order to give the prints a subtle pencily (that's not a real word is it?) quality the screen prints were hand-pulled using an ink made with graphite powder. As with all my other screen prints, these are also printed on archival quality paper and each one is signed and editioned. The paper dimensions are 54 x 52 cm and the print run is an edition of 60 plus five artists prints. Each print is available for £100 each.
There will soon be a one-off graphite screen print version on gray paper (editioned 1 of 1) and a one-off digital print (also editioned 1 of 1). Both of these will be available at £200 each. The digital print is a fraction smaller than its screen printed cousins but has a truer likeness to the original pencil drawing as it is printed to a very high resolution and manages to pick up more of the finer detailing.
Along with three new mini sculptures, my new prints will be available at the Nancy Victor gallery's It's a Wonderful Life group show which opens on Wednesday 12th December. But if you can't wait that long and want to get your hands on one of the prints now (at the direct from the artist price) then please feel free to get in touch at [email protected] and we can arrange to get one to you post haste.