This chart shows the traffic here for the last three months.

It went way up in the last 10 days of November, back down for the first two weeks of December, and then up and down to finish the month.
Here’s the 12 month chart:

I have no idea what was going on back in April that we had that big spike. Things started picking up in June, then went up from August through to October. I have little idea what that was about, nor do I know what’s been going on in December either.
Here's the chart for all time:

I have no idea what was going on back in 2017, but we’re now back in that range. What will the new year bring?
Finally, here’s the top 10 posts of all time:

I know from past experience that these numbers (along the right) are too low, but I don’t want to dig out the correct numbers because they don’t matter for my present purpose. The Ninja Scroll post remains on top, where it’s been from the since I posted it in September of 2010, the first year of New Savanna. What’s got my attention is the sixth post on the list, “GOAT Literary Critics: Part 1a, What do you mean, literary critic?” That has almost 5000 hits, but it is quite recent, December 4, 2023. Why so many hits? Because Tyler Cowen gave it a boost on December 6 from Marginal Revolution.