I made the beat over six months ago and just sat on it. I tried to write to it a few times but never accomplished anything. This guy I know from Inglewood who goes by Gifted Intellect has been trying to work together for a while so last Saturday he comes through and I start playing him beats. As soon as he hears this beat he stands up and starts writing. Five blunts later…the entire song was written. We then recorded his verse on the spot. This demonstrates the power of good vibes and collaboration. Track definitely has old school west coast vibe but I incorporate my electro sound to it. G.I. on the first verse, Fiasko on the second.
The hook contains excerpts from a conversation I recorded between myself and Gifted Intellect in the studio about his job selling ad space for Google in the Larry Flint building on La Cienega. The attached picture is of Gifted Intellect. This track will be on my album “White Collar Trap Muzik”.
38.073533 -75.560779