Drink Magazine

New Jersey’s Own: Carton Brewing Beer Reviews

By Bolanrox

Last night I had the opportunity to try several of Carton’s beers.  I was excited to be able to try some local brewers, so seeing several on tap (as well as some from Kane) was a welcome treat.

Monkey chased the Weasel Berliner Weisse ABV 3.9%

They definitely hit it in terms of getting an easy to drink summer beer.   Pouring lightly hazed melon-yellow red,  it was very light and refreshing.  I did find it just a tad too sweet for my tastes though. The fruit is very upfront so it cut the tartness quite a bit.  If DFH’s Festina Peche was on the super tart side of the Berliner Weisse spectrum, this one is on the other.  If this were in cans or bottles I would have it as a go to summer beer pick.  Perfect for relaxing outside or after a long day in the heat.

Digger Gose ABV 3.9%

Poured a very clear yellow.  Not for me: Salty (you can pick up on the clams) but otherwise non-descript flavor wise. It is an interesting idea, and I do not have any experiences with the traditional Gose’s, so I am not sure what to expect or grade this one against.  I am open to trying it again, but it would not be at the top of my list.

Intermezzo Berliner Weisse ABV 5%

Pours light yellow with a slightly hazy cloudy body.  This was on the tarter side of the wise spectrum.  You can pick up on the taste of sour apples, and for the twist: Wasabi root. The heat was present just enough to tingle your mouth but not enough to be an assault on your nose.  Basically exactly what you would expect from wasabi. Carton recommends / describes Intermezzo as a palate cleanser, and it does exactly that.  Not sure if I would want more than one of them in a row, but it works perfectly as a one serving item.

New Jersey’s Own: Carton Brewing Beer Reviews

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