The background
Expectation continues to mount over Apple’s new iPhone. Will it be larger, lighter, faster? Released in September or October 2012? And will it even be called the iPhone 5?
We don’t know yet. But here’s the best of the online speculation.
No iPhone 5
“Let’s clear up one thing right now: there is no iPhone 5,” wrote Sam Biddle at Gizmodo. But there’s no need to panic: “There’s still a new iPhone coming very soon. But it’s just going to be called that: the new iPhone. No five. No numbers ever again, actually.” The new iPhone will actually be the sixth such device released by Apple: “So to call the sixth iPhone the iPhone 5 would not only be convoluted, but send Apple down a dizzying trajectory of numerical product names with no end,” Biddle pointed out.
Discover more iPhone 5 rumours at The Periscope Post.
New docking system
Apple plans to drop the now-traditional wide dock connector on the new iPhone, reported Reuters: “That would mean the new phone would not connect with the myriad of accessories such as speakers and power chargers that form part of the ecosystem around iPods, iPads and iPhones, without an adaptor.”
Latest image leak
New images purporting to be of the completed new iPhone have hit the internet, reported PCAdvisor. These show the rumoured smaller dock connection.Also apparent is the larger size of the screen, one of the most rumoured things about the iPhone 5 with many touting 4in as the choice.
Prepare for launch on 12th September?
Apple is planning an event for Wednesday 12th September, said AllThingsD: “And while we haven’t yet confirmed the event’s focus, history suggests it will indeed be the new iPhone.”
See below for footage apparently showing the new iPhone housing