
New Ideas for a Rustic Chic Wedding

Posted on the 12 February 2018 by The Wedding Cards Online @theweddingcards

Have you ever organized a party? A person when organizes a party he has to take care of a lot of things, the food, beverages, the theme and a lot more things to take a look at. Now imagine a party, only ten times as harder as a normal party and you will get a picture of, “How to organize a wedding ceremony?” You get a lot more responsibilities than a normal party, as the number of guests has increased, the destination should be much bigger. There are different cards to pick up from a wide range. People nowadays prefer to buy wedding cards online. Then there is a theme to be set. And a lot more things to have a sight on.


If you are planning to organize a theme wedding, you can always go old school and try a Rustic Chic Wedding theme. Let’s discuss some of the points about how you can arrange one.


Invitations are the first step for any wedding as they hold a major role in inviting the guests to your wedding. And what can be a better way to invite your guests and let them know about the theme of the wedding then a Rustically themed wedding invitation. Give our card a little wooden finish with your name engraved letter, with some white lilies and maybe a horseshoe. It will give the perfect view of your theme.

Wedding Cake:

Yes as the theme is rustic the cake should show it to. A cake that gives a feeling of an old tree cut out, with some chocolate pine-cones around. Adding to the flavor some frost barriers and a stunning Mongolian blossom will show your guests the hard work you put to make your wedding successful.


Usually in a wedding groom is said to wear 3 piece suits and amazing looking collars. Change the tradition with respect to the theme. Use some cowboy shoes with jeans for the best man and make room for the groom by adding a Blazer to his attire and make him look good with the best-themed wedding.

The Venue:

While selecting the venue to keep a keen eye on the fact that the wedding is supposed to be a theme wedding and choose places with lots of wooden furniture and the decoration can be just for the wedding. With white curtains and lilies as your decorating objects, you can give your wedding a complete rustic look.

Bringing in a band who can play old country songs and caterers with an amazing rustic menu you can complete your wedding planning with a style.

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