Charity Magazine

New Developments for Charity Spring

Posted on the 27 June 2014 by Tanushree @TanushreeCS

First, thank you for being here. The Charity Spring community we have engaged in this past year or more is inspiring to us and hopefully invigorating for you.

Our website will be undergoing changes in the coming weeks with new blogs, new themes, new ideas.

One initiative we plan to throw ourselves into is We R 1 Voicea project founded by Mo Pleasure a few months ago.  We R 1 Voice encourages young people, established artists, and charitable causes to collaborate to inspire awareness and build solidarity across and beyond the social web.

We R 1 Voice is an Advisory Council of leaders in the music and related industries who will help ignite creative confidence and channel the best of We R 1 Voice artwork into their respective spheres of influence. 

We R 1 Voice is a Youth Advisory Council of young people and organizations involving youth in leadership roles who are here to guide the development of the We R 1 Voice platform and to welcome their peers to join them in this global endeavor.

If any of this interests you, please let us know.

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