Drink Magazine

New Belgium Rolle Bolle

By I Think About Beer @ithinkaboutbeer
Rolle Bolle

(Label from newbelgium.com)

The newest edition to New Belgium‘s seasonal lineup is the Rolle Bolle summer seasonal replacing last year’s Sommersault.  Continuing in my theme of spring/summer beer with fruit, Rolle Bolle is brewed with soursop and monk fruit.  Soursop is native to central America.  The pulp is renowned for its sour, citrus flavor and is used to make juice, candy, and other edibles.   Monk fruit, native to southeast Asia, is grown for its fruit and is known for its sweetness.  It’s often used as a low-calorie sweetener since its extract is 300x’s sweeter than standard sugar.

If you enjoy fruit beers, check out the 3rd Annual Portland Fruit Beer Festival is coming up in little over a month (June 8-9).

The name, Rolle Bolle, comes from a Belgian game that’s best described as a cross between shuffleboard, bowling, and bocce.  Here’s a link a youtube video showing people playing Rolle Bolle.

Monk Fruit

(Picture from en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monk_fruit)

Appearance: Pale yellow with a white head and solid retention.

Aroma: Tart with an odd, but pleasant fruity funkiness.  Grain undertones.

Taste: Slightly tart with a balancing light biscuit, grainy flavor.  A medium finish with a bit of funk.

Overall Impression: The slightly higher level of carbonation combines with the rest of the elements to form a very silky mouthfeel.  This is a nice addition to the New Belgium lineup.  It’s quaffable with a unique character that should please most people.

Availability: Late spring through summer in all areas where New Belgium is sold.

5.5% ABV


(Picture from en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soursop)

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