Now the weather is finally warming up a bit, it's always nice to change the duvets and invest in a more lighter/summer option.
I am unfortunate to suffer from what appears to be seasonal allergies, I get the awful tickly throat which leads to watery eyes and coughing. It tends to occur in the evenings and through the night a lot too. Both pollen, dust and other unknown causes are triggers.
Sleepy people is a British online bedding retailer with a full range of products that includes a selection of anti-allergy items. They have sent me over one of their Silent night anti allergy bed sets. This consists of a 7.5 tog anti allergy duvet, and 2 anti allergy pillows. My set is king size and other bed sizes are available.
If the tog rating confuses you as it did me then Sleepy people do have a tog forecaster widget creator which gives you an idea of the best tog number per season. I also found this helpful image.
Therefore for the British spring weather a 7.5 tog is ideal.
I love the feel of fresh bedding and especially a brand new duvet and pillows. My new duvet felt so much lighter and more airy than the previous one which I think had been on my bed for a whole year.
Once in bed, the duvet seemed to provide just the right amount of warmth needed. I didn't feel like I needed any more layers and didn't feel overly hot so that I had to kick it off, it was just right. My old duvet would feel heavy on me and heavy when making the bed in the morning but my new one is so much lighter whilst still being warm.
As for the pillows, wow! Such a good nights comfy sleep. Lovely, soft, deep and big. My head just sunk into them.
Izebella usually sleeps in my bed once a week and also found them very comfy compared to the previous ones.
I did find that I was sneezing less through the night since changing the bedding, the tickly throat is coming much less at night time so I can only think that maybe something in my old duvet and pillows was adding to the problem.
Now I can get a very comfy long nights sleep thanks to Sleepy People.
The 7.5 tog bedding sets start from £21.99. Both the duvet and pillows can also be purchased separately.