Family Magazine

Never Be Too Proud to Follow a River

By Umkhaloodie

‘I won’t waste your time’
Listening to Emeli Sande – my inspiration for this post.

‘river by Emeli Sande’ have a listen- it’s great!
I love this song. It reminds me of my youth, we convince ourselves that we are in that one real relationship, we convince ourselves ‘this is the one’… How wrong we all were.

It feels good being ‘settled’. It feels good being loved and loving back. I would hate to be a teenager again, going through that lust/love/obsessional stage of love.

I have a lot of female single friends that read my blog and I just wanted to say to you, ‘never be too proud to follow a river’….

‘Wherever you will be standing, I’ll be by your side’

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