I recently took a trip to Portland, OR towards the end of May, and to avoid having extra liquids I decided to buy and try the Neutrogena Transparent Facial Bar For Acne Prone Skin during my trip. My skin doesn’t normally get along with their face products, but still, I was willing to give it a go.
I generally use cleansers, but I kind of liked the idea of something so easy to use like bar soap. It’s not supposed to have any harsh cleansers or detergents, which is a plus for me. I have oily/combination skin, and while I don’t normally like using cream cleansers I still like to use something that won’t strip my skin. During this trip, it was so hot and muggy. Plus, we were on a tour so we were up at 6 am and didn’t get to the hotel until after 9 pm each night we were there. We spent the day walking to various monuments and museums and walking inside the museums as well. That meant at the end of each day I was washing off a day’s worth of sweat and multiple applications of sunscreen. Yes, I was grimy and nasty by day’s end.
This soap has a fairly pleasant scent, and it gets some nice suds. I preferred to suds up my hands and then use my soapy hands to wash my face, sometimes using a wash cloth to help get my skin clean (can’t use one every day as it will irritate my skin). It left my skin feeling clean, though with a slightly weird grippy feeling, and it didn’t dry my skin out. Over the course of the 5 days I was there this did a super job of cleaning without drying, and it didn’t break me out. I was impressed enough to continue using it once my trip was over.
I have now been using this soap for nearly a month, and I really enjoy how clean it gets my skin. I don’t know how I will feel about it in winter, but for warm, sweaty days it is doing a great job of cleaning my skin at the end of the day. I have not used it alone to remove makeup, as I just find olive oil as a pre-wash the easiest, gentlest way of removing my makeup.
I have and will repurchase this (I am on my second bar), and really enjoy the results I have gotten with this soap. It hasn’t done anything to improve my acne, but I don’t use cleansers for that.
You can purchase this soap at drugstores and grocery stores nationwide, and from Amazon.