Famous children’s TV show “Pup Academy” is releasing its own NFT series, due to Air Bud Entertainment and Zigazoo. The family-friendly, school-based NFT, named the ‘PUPtastic Fan Pass’, will be available on the Zigazoo platform – a safe social network for kids, created by educators and parents. The initial NFT drop is live on the Flow blockchain and coincides with back to school.
Pup Academy NFTs teach children about blockchain in a safe environment
Interest in Web3 and the metaverse keeps on growing. Therefore, Air Bud Entertainment (the company behind the Netflix show Pup Academy), aim to offer a safe place for kids to have fun and learn.
PUPtastic Fan Pass will be the initial live-action drop on the Zigazoo platform. This series wants to help kids and parents learn about Web3 and the blockchain using characters they know. Using the Zigazoo platform, you can use show characters, videos, sing-along songs, character shoutouts, and digital dog tags, to create an immersive experience Pup Academy content experience for kids.
In addition, there will be some creative features in the Pup Academy NFT series. These contain real-life events, a form of trading platform, and other methods to help children understand the world of NFTs.
Speaking about the new venture, Air Bud Entertainment CEO Robert Vince said:
“Zigazoo is an interesting destination for kids to safely express their creativity as part of a connected community. Parents are looking to Air Bud Entertainment releases to give them the chance to watch with their kids right now. The Zigazoo platform enables us to develop a great new way to expand our brand’s mission of connecting with families to celebrate the universal themes of friendship and teamwork”.
Zigazoo – the child-friendly social network
Zigazoo also helps companies to offer a new way to engage with their young fans in a safe environment. Notably, the platform is kidSAFE COPPA certified, meaning it has passed strict child safety regulations.
Ultimately, the Pup Academy NFTs are the recent addition to the growing series of family-friendly NFTs. Zigazoo has earlier cooperated with Moonbug Entertainment, the creators of the Blippi and CoComelon brands.
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