Food & Drink Magazine

Nestle Nesquik Duo Chocolate & Vanilla

By Kev A @kevvieguy
Nestle Nesquik duo chocolate and vanilla dessert
There seems to be quite a bit of competition in the dessert pot market at the moment, both Cadbury and Nestle have launched practically all of their famous chocolate brands into dessert form, which seems like a lazy way to capitalize if you ask me. Most are just variations of the same thing: a mixture of milk, sugar and gelatin with the addition of caramel, mint etc. 
Nestle Nesquik Duo Chocolate & Vanilla
These Nesquik Duos are pretty much the same kind of thing...a duo layered dessert of chocolate and vanilla flavoured pudding. 
Nestle Nesquik duo
Removing the lid I was met with a gloopy, gelatinous chocolatey mass. It didn't look that appetizing. 
Nestle Nesquik duo
It tasted rather bland and non-descript. The chocolate layer is standard chocolatey gloopy dessert whilst the vanilla layer has a slight vanilla edge, but it's certainly not quality bourbon vanilla! I didn't enjoy these at all to be honest, they seem so pointless and tasteless. I suspect they're aimed at children because of the branding but still...even kids have better taste than this. 
Overall, even though these were only 75p I still felt a bit ripped off. They're basically just a sweet concoction of gelatin and milk and rather unneccesary when there's so many better desserts out there. The Thorntons Fabulous Fudge Pots which are on offer in Tesco right now are far better...go for those instead! 
6 out of 10.

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